Life is great with my house full of boys! Noah is adjusting really well to his baby brother and will actually give him hugs and kisses now. Elijah loves both of his brothers, and Jacob gets a kick out of watching the older two play.
A couple weeks ago, Josh had the great idea to take a trip to NC and surprise everyone. I was very excited, but nervous about the 13 hour drive with 3 little boys. The trip went way better than we expected. All the boys did better than we thought they would. The only crazy incident was Noah's diaper explosion! He has never had an out of diaper explosion, that I can recall, but on the trip he sure did. It was pretty gross, but gave me a good laugh to watch Josh change him and be so grossed out, hehe. We decided to stay at the house that Josh and I first lived in, which his grandparents own. It was nice to be back somewhere with such great memories. It was so different than our base townhouse. It was quiet and relaxing. We had a wonderful time seeing all of our family, and even had a small birthday party for Noah's 2nd birthday. He had such a fun time getting to eat a bunch of junk food and be spoiled by everyone.

We got to take our sweet Elijah on a lunch date. He loved getting Josh and I all to himself :).
Jacob loved sitting outside, watching his brothers play in the water. He is such a cute chunker!!
Josh was even able to get a couple more days of leave so we could visit a little longer. We didn't want to leave! We headed back, and Josh thought it would be fun to stop a little over half way at a hotel so we could all get out of the car and relax for the night. We ate supper at Chick-fil-a, let the boys play in the play area, and ended the night cuddled in bed, watching Up.
Overall, we had a wonderful time and can't wait to go back in August!!
We've been busy since we've been back, but my life is pretty much always busy :). The boys have been playing outside in the water, building forts, playing at the park, and of couse, being wild in the house. Noah is now 2 years old! He tries hard to keep up with his big brother. He is such a sweet, tenderhearted boy. He hates to get in trouble and loves to cuddle all the time. So far, he is definitely less challenging than Elijah lol.
Jacob is growing so fast! He is now 3 months old! The last three months seem like one big blur! Time seems to go by so much faster with the more kids I have. He is such a sweet, easy going baby. The past 3 nights he has slept from 8 p.m until 6 a.m.! He eats, then goes back to sleep for a few more hours. I told Josh, if I could guarantee that all my babies would be like him, I'd probably have 4 more, hehe. He is such a great addition to our family, and I love cuddling him as much as I can. The baby stage doesn't last near long enough!
He found his thumb when his brothers were being loud and woke him up.
Cute curly-headed boys <3