Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Elijah at 15 months and 2nd trimester :)

     So I've been waiting to post until we officially announced that we are pregnant!!! :) We decided we wanted to start trying not long after Elijah turned one. It took us 3 months to get pregnant with him, so I figured it would be about the same with this one. Well the first month we decided to try, we got pregnant lol. We were both a little shocked. We decided since the holidays were coming up, that is when we would tell our families. We were with Josh's family for Thanksgiving so we told all of them then. They were all really excited! We were going to wait til Christmas to tell my family, but I couldn't wait to tell my parents, so we framed the first ultrasound and wrapped it up and gave it to em right after Thanksgiving. We re-wrapped the frame and gave it to my mom again at Christmas to tell the rest of the family. It took em a minute to figure out that it was a new baby and not Elijah's ultrasound, but when they did they were all excited for us. I'm 13 weeks today and can't believe how fast it is going! It has already been two months since we found out and it's a little less than two months when we find out what we're having. I'm due July 4th and I've been trying to find a way to go as natural as possible with labor, but with my clotting condition the only option they're giving me now is to be induced at 39 weeks. I'd really like to avoid Pictocin, so I'm praying I go into labor on my own before 39 weeks. Pretty much either way, this is going to be a June baby and I know June will be here before we know it! I'm so excited to do this crazy adventure all over again :)

     This is our lil ones first picture at 7 weeks 5 days :)

     My lil man is now 15 months old! He is walking/running everywhere and is into EVERYTHING. He hardly ever sits still. My mom calls him a mountain climber. He loves to climb whatever he sees. He's still not talking much, but the Dr said he's doing fine. I think I'm just getting ready for him to start talking :). He does say Mama all day long, which I don't mind. He understands a lot! I love it. He knows, "Let's take a nap," "Let's take a bath," "Want some milk?" "Are you hungry?" Just about everything that he needs to understand lol. I can't believe how big he is getting! He got soo much for Christmas! This child should never be bored with all the toys he got. My parents definitely spoiled him lol. My living room is now a complete mess with the abundance of toys everywhere. I can only imagine how next year is going to be with two babies! This all goes by too fast and I'm just trying to soak in every minute.