Tuesday, May 8, 2012

32 weeks!

     Well things with our lil family have been very crazy so far. We moved to New Orleans March 23rd, had a few weeks to try to get settled, then April 23rd we came back to North Carolina. Josh had to report to MOS school on April 24th, and Elijah and I didn't want to stay in New Orleans without him, so we decided to come along :). Elijah and I have been staying with my parents, and Josh gets to come back on the weekends and visit with us. I am so glad we decided to come up! It's nice being with my family and being somewhere that I actually know how to get around haha! We're staying here until June 2nd, which seemed like a long time, but it is flying by!
     So I am now 32 weeks along in this pregnancy! I cannot believe how fast it has gone by! Elijah keeps me so busy that sometimes I forget that I'm pregnant. It's kind of hard to imagine that I'm going to have two lil boys in about 7 weeks. I have been very tired with this pregnancy, but I believe that has something to do with having a toddler, ha! Elijah seriously never stops! He is ALWAYS on the go. I am soo worn out by the time he goes to bed. Sometimes I worry that we didn't space them out enough, but I know God wouldn't give us anything we couldn't handle and we'll all be just fine. I'm always getting some indigestion with Noah. I didn't have that with Elijah and the old wives' tale is that means he'll have hair. I'm hoping that's true! At the last ultrasound, I asked if they could see hair and we could see a little bit of fuzziness on his head, soo cute!! We still haven't seen a doctor about his clubfeet yet. I've found someone that I want to meet with, but we'll have to do all that when we get back to New Orleans. I feel so blessed to have such a great husband and two healthy little boys! I can't wait to see what else our future holds!!

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