Tuesday, March 8, 2011

About us and our life so far

Hello to all! Well a little about us. My husband, Josh, and I have been married for 2 1/2 years. We met our senior year of high school. We dated for seven months and got married in November 2008. Josh left for Marine Corps bootcamp in January 2009. He got back home September 2009. We found out we were expecting our first baby January 2010. We could have been happier. When I was 14 weeks pregnant, we found out we were having a little boy. Our beautiful boy was born on September 15, 2010. When he was two months old, I went into the hospital for severe blood clots. I was in the hospital for ten days. In September 2008, I found out that I have Protein S Deficiency, which makes me more likely to get blood clots. While I was pregnant I had to take blood thinners to make sure I didn't get any clots. Well turns out that didn't really do the trick. It has been four months since I got out of the hospital and everything is going great! Elijah is absolutely wonderful. He's trying to crawl, he loves baby food (which I make for him each week), and he is always such a sweet, happy baby. With my condition, he may be our one and only. Right now we are in the process of getting information on whether or not I can have more children. We are really hopeful and praying hard! That is just a little peak into our lives :).

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