Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Elijah at 6 months

      Well my lil man just turned 6 months old about a week ago. Where has the time gone?!? It seems like he's changing every day. He is now starting to try to crawl. He gets on all fours and rocks back and forth, but instead of moving his arms and legs, he just throws himself forward :) He is soo cute to watch doing that. He is starting to talk more. He'll randomly throw a "Ma" or "Da" in his little babbling, so I've been so hopeful to hear "Mama". I can't believe he's only 6 months away from his 1st birthday! I just want to freeze him and keep him little forever.
     So I believe Josh and I have decided to start trying for baby number two around March or April of next year. It took us 3 months to get pregnant with Elijah and Josh wants a March/April baby so that would be about the right timing. I want another one soo bad, but it makes me nervous to think about having a toddler and a newborn! I know God won't give me anything I can't handle so I just keep telling myself that lol.
     Well that's pretty much all the updates we have for now, so til next time...

1 comment:

  1. Brittany, Elijah is soooooo adorable! I was look at the pictures you post on my mom's facebook, and I enjoy seeing them so much! I'm glad you started a blog, I can't wait to read more!

    Your Cousin,
