Wednesday, June 6, 2012

36 weeks and settling down in Belle Chasse

     We've been back "home" for almost a week. The adjustment hasn't been too bad. Elijah has been sleeping through the night (he had a hard time sleeping when we first got down here). Josh was NOT happy when we first got down here, but now he said he feels more adjusted and like this is home now. I'm still adjusting, but I know this will feel like home soon enough. It is definitely different living in a neighborhood rather than in a house in the middle of nowhere. I was going to start supper tonight and when I went to turn the gas on, I realized that the gas was out. There was a gas leak in the neighborhood so they had to shut everyone's gas off. So I made a trip to Popeye's for some supper. I tried not to get annoyed at the situation, but they have leaks all the time and are constantly cutting the gas off, so it does get a lil annoying. We don't have a microwave (we'd rather not use one) so if the gas is out, then we don't really have a way to cook or heat up any food. It's going to be an interesting 3 years adjusting to city life, but we're trying to make the best of it.
   I am now 36 weeks and cannot wait for this pregnancy to be over with and to finally meet my sweet lil Noah. I had my 36 week check up yesterday. They did another ultrasound and he is already weighing in at 6 lbs 5 oz! Hopefully he won't plump up too much more or we're gonna have a pretty big baby, haha. Because he has the bilateral clubfeet, they like to be extra cautious when checking everything on the ultrasound. We've already done a fetal echo cardiogram to check his heart, but my new doc said something looks a little off and wants us to have another one done. She also couldn't get a good look at the bottom of his spine, so she's also sending us too get a fetal MRI done. Dr. Longo, my new doc, said she feels everything will come back normal, but she doesn't want any surprises at delivery. I'm glad she's being so thorough, but it is scary. I thought it was scary when I was pregnant with Elijah and had to have all the Non-Stress tests and was on the Lovenox, but now having to have an ultrasound every month and fetal echos and fetal mri's makes things with Elijah seem like a piece of cake. I'm just praying that everything comes back normal and we won't have to deal with anything more than his feet. Monday, we have a consultation to meet with the Pediatric Orthopedic doctor. From what I read, this doctor specializes in the best method out there for clubfeet. It's going to be a whole different world having to deal with the casts and braces. Despite all the craziness, I am VERY excited to meet this sweet lil guy. Hopefully we won't have to wait 3 more weeks to meet him. I really don't want to have to be induced again, so we started walking tonight and I hope that will get things going soon :). Please keep us in your prayers. I will post again after we get the results from all the tests on Friday.

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