Tuesday, June 26, 2012


   So I went to the doctor this morning for my weekly check-up on Noah, and my doc told me I am already 4 cm dilated! I've been having some painful contractions, so I'm glad to know they've been helping me progress. The doctor wants to make sure that I don't go into labor on the weekend or late at night because Noah is going to have to be evaluated by the cardiologist since they couldn't get a clear look at his aortic arch. They just want to make sure that all the doctors that he might need to be seen by are available. He also stripped my membranes, so I'm really hoping I'm progressed even more when we get to the hospital. We're supposed to check in at 9 tonight. Everyone is starting to make their guess on when Noah is going to be born. I'm hoping it'll be around 3-4 in the morning. I really don't want to be in labor long. I was really wanting to not get an epidural, but I'm not sure I can do it since they'll be giving me Pitocin. The contractions that Pitocin brings on are horrible! I'm still leaving the option open for an epidural, but I'm going to try to hold out as long as possible.
   I'm pretty nervous about Noah coming. We've had so many unclear answers about his health and I'm just ready to know that everything is ok. We know that he has the clubfeet, that part was pretty clear. We still aren't sure about his heart. They told us that everything look good with his spine, but the MRI might have found something wrong with his brain. They didn't give us much detail, just that it's probably nothing to worry about. I hate the vague answers and am praying sooo hard that the only thing wrong is the clubfeet. I'm also nervous about how Elijah is going to react. He's very attached to me. He even gets jealous if I'm paying Josh attention and not him. I'm sure he'll adjust eventually. I just know it's going to be hard for all of us at first.
   Elijah is already of to his MawMaw and PawPaw's. Josh's grandparents and cousins are down for a few weeks, so I know Elijah will have plenty of people to keep him busy. I do miss him! I almost started crying when he left. It's going to be hard being away from him. Since he is gone, that gives me time to make sure we have everything for the hospital and probably take a nap. It feels like a lot at once, but I know everything will fall into place :)

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