Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Life as a family of four

     Today Noah is nine weeks old! Time has flown by faster than I ever thought possible. The past nine weeks have actually been a lot less stressful and busy than I thought they would be. Elijah has adjusted so well to having a little brother and Noah is an extremely easy baby. Elijah has always been able to keep himself occupied, so if I have to feed or tend to Noah, Elijah is perfectly content. He loves to give Noah hugs and kisses and help feed and change him. He is such a great brother and is really growing into a great little boy.
     Noah's feet are doing great! He got his first set of casts when he was one week old. He got new casts once a week until he was four weeks old. After those casts, he had his tenotomy done. After the doctor took his casts off, he didn't feel that Noah would need to tenotomy on both feet, just the left one. I was so excited that he was doing so well and correcting so fast. The morning we went in for his surgery, Dr. Waldron (Noah's orthopedic surgeon), decided that Noah would be better off having the surgery on both feet. A tenotomy is where they clip the Achilles tendon so that the foot can bend more easily to a more normal position. After the surgery, Noah had to get recasted and have those casts on for three weeks. When he was about seven weeks old, he got his brace put on. It took both of us some time to get used to it, but we both figured it our pretty quickly. He can wiggle out of it, so I'm always fixing his foot and trying to make sure it's tight enough. He has been such a trooper with all of this. He is such an easy going baby. He's always smiling and trying to talk. It's amazing how fast he seems to be growing and developing.
     Last week we had a hurricane coming towards Belle Chasse. Josh didn't want to stay, so we went to Georgie to stay with my grandparents. We ended up being there a week waiting for the power to be turned back on where we live. We had such a great time! Elijah really enjoyed their big house and running around everywhere. My parents were actually able to visit for a couple days. It was their first time meeting Noah. It was so great to see all of them and get away for a little while. We are now back in Belle Chasse and trying to get back into the swing of things. When we got back, we noticed our living room carpet and wall has mold. I've contacted our housing office about it, but no one has come to check it out yet. It was making Josh and I sick and Noah kept sneezing, so we are staying upstairs most of the day. We ended up sending Elijah to Josh's parents' house because he's too busy to keep blocked upstairs haha! So I keep Noah upstairs and usually only go downstairs to get food or clean up. We're hoping someone comes soon to take care of the mold. The downstairs smells pretty bad from not having any air circulation for a week and then growing mold. It's been an interesting past week, but I'm glad that is all we have to deal with. Some people lost everything they had due to flooding and fires.
     I feel so blessed to have my two cute lil boys and amazing husband! It's not exactly the journey I always imagined, but it has been amazing and I know it's the journey that God meant for me to have. I can't wait to see what other adventures God has in store for us :)

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