Saturday, September 22, 2012

Elijah is two!!

Last weekend we celebrated Elijah's second birthday. We had a pirate party for him. He threw a couple fits at first when everyone got there, but after a little while he had so much playing with everyone. We all had a great time, but I can't believe how fast this time has gone by. He has grown and changed so much. He just had his two year check up. Everything looked great, but the doctor wants him to see an early interventionist because his speech isn't as developed as it should be. We were concerned about that, so I'm kind of glad he's going to get help with it.
     Noah is almost three moths old! He is so big now. He is definitely bigger than Elijah was at his age. He moves so much! Elijah wasn't that active and and he's super active now, so I'm probably going to have my hands full when Noah starts walking too. Noah is such a happy baby! He smiles all the time. They're both growing up so fast. I'm trying to cherish every moment I have with them.

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